Sunday, November 27, 2016

Gaming Memories: Mastering Resident Evil Code: Veronica X

Hello dear readers and welcome back to the game room. I try to bring different things to the table, but I'll own up to this one fact: I talk about Resident Evil a lot. I try not to be repetitive, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of my greatest gaming memories come from playing it, and all in all it's probably my favorite video game franchise of all time. Anyway, today I want to talk about another one of my finer gaming accomplishments from one of my favorite games ever: obtaining an A ranking in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X.

I've spoken a bit about C:VX in my previous review of the Resident Evil franchise, but to quickly recap it is definitely my second favorite in the franchise, right behind the Gamecube remake at number one (and before the remake came out, it was my favorite). Over the years I've played through this game dozens of times, and even though I've never done a no-damage speedrun or anything like that, I think I've come pretty close to mastering it. But things weren't always this way.

In the late 90's Resident Evil was in its prime. With three critically acclaimed games down (and one stinker), the franchise was poised to expand at the turn of the century. And that it did when Resident Evil made the jump to 128-bit technology on the Sega Dreamcast in early 2000 with Code: Veronica. As a fan of the series from the very beginning, I marveled at screenshots I saw in gaming magazines. I wanted to play it quite badly, but there was only one problem- I didn't own a Dreamcast, nor did I even know anybody who did. I had to wait almost two whole years before I could play it, only after it was ported to the Playstation 2 as Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, a sort of remastered edition with new cutscenes and content.

Anyway, I played the hell out of it. I beat it from start to finish, played a little bit of the extra content, then beat it again, and again. By the fourth time, I had decided that I wanted to go after the big prize- the infinite rocket launcher bonus item, only obtainable after beating the game with an 'A' ranking. How does one achieve an A ranking, you ask? Well...

Every Resident Evil game had it's own standards for achieving an A rank, usually centered around beating the game under a certain time limit and keeping saves to a minimum, usually one or two. But C:VX took this a step further. The conditions to obtain an A are as follows:

-Beat the game in under 4 hours and 30 minutes.
-No saves at all.
-No deaths/retries.
-No use of instant healing first-aid spray items.
-Complete a brief optional mission.

Doesn't sound too difficult, right? Well this is quite a long game, in comparison to other RE games to that point. I probably saved over 20 times my first time through, dying at many different points along the way. This would be a challenge.

Part of the problem is just general fatigue as you go through. There's more than enough time granted to you to beat the game; if you know exactly where to go and what to do, it can be completed in under 4 hours. However, sitting still for that long without losing your will to play was a bit of a problem for a spastic kid like me. And boredom aside there was needing to eat along the way, getting up to use the bathroom, homework that needed to be squared away first, parents distracting you who didn't know you needed to make every second count - it felt as though the planets needed to align for your one perfect run. I needed to block out an ideal period of time to do it. I remember having to pick a day where I could set aside at least 4 and a half hours to do so, then planning a strategy for an optimal run. I wrote down the solution to every puzzle in a long list so I wouldn't have to take time reading texts or analyzing clues. I did a trial run through to maximize my time spent, charting every path along the way that led to an optimal route. After many preparations, I was ready. I set my four and a half hours aside, waited for the clock to be an even 12 noon, and was off. 

There are basically 8 major sections of the game which I break up as follows:
The prison
The palace
The military training facility
Return to the prison
Return to the palace/the airport
The antarctic base
Return to the military training facility as Chris -----> MIDWAY POINT
The antarctic base as Chris

The first half of the game you play as Claire Redfield, and once you hit the midway point you switch to playing as her brother Chris. Chris' opening sequence was like an adrenaline rush- you knew that once you got there, you were halfway through. Even the music that plays during his opening cutscene is inspiring. However, you also knew that Chris' part of the game starts getting harder and harder, all the way up to the end.

 Once you saw this opening shot, you knew you were halfway there.

There are several points in the game where you can screw up badly, and while most of them are in Chris' portion, Claire has a few points in her own. For example, during the boss fight right before the midpoint with the "Nosferatu" boss, you have to perfectly land 8 shots with a sniper rifle on the monster's exposed heart in order to kill it. If you miss even one, you have to rely on pumping it full of whatever bullets you have left in order to take it down. This requires you to play a bit conservatively beforehand, stocking up as much handgun bullets you have for Claire's handgun (which you should have upgraded to a burst-fire at this point). If you didn't you might be screwed, since you pretty much had to leave all of your other guns behind for Chris to pick up later. On top of that, the boss shoots out a purple gas which, if you are hit enough times by, causes Claire to become poisoned. If you are poisoned at this point, you'll need to retrieve a serum later on as Chris, which eats up about 5 minutes of time. Not that big of a deal, but when you're rushing through at nearly the end of the game, 5 minutes can seem like an eternity.

The idea is to land 8 shots directly on the monster's exposed heart. Doesn't sound too hard, but the first person sniper rifle controls are kinda wonky and you have to be careful not to get to close to him or he'll smack the crap out of you with his tentacles. However, get too far away and you won't be able to see him. In all my years of playing, I've never once landed all 8 shots on his heart.

 If you run out of sniper rifle bullets, you'll have to resort to shooting him with whatever other ammo you have left. You also have to be very careful to avoid getting hit by the purple gas he emits, otherwise you'll be poisoned and will need to find the antidote later on.

In Chris' half, there's three parts in particular that stick out in my mind where an entire runthrough can be ruined very quickly- the introduction of the "sweeper" enemies, one part where you briefly regain control of Claire and have to break open a glass ball, and the first boss fight with Alexia.

Sweepers are almost exactly the same as hunters, which are extremely dangerous enemies on their own- sweepers, however, will poison you every time they damage you, making them that much more lethal. At one point in Chris' game, you need to run past two sweepers which come at you from both sides, and if you stop to kill one, you're most likely done for. Since they can take you into caution with just two hits, the third is likely to kill you because they can perform an instant kill if you're in caution. I found this out the painfully hard way in my first run through when I made it to that point and tried to fight them off instead of just running past them- I was dropped pretty quickly and my run to that point was over.

In this section, sweepers come at you from the left and right. Your best bet is to avoid them, because if you aren't able to take them out quickly you'll be screwed. Even when avoiding them, you're likely to take a hit which can be very dangerous. One minor mistake here can doom an entire run, so this part was always extremely tense for me.

For a brief section of Chris' half of the game, you have to take control of Claire once again. Toward the end of the game you find a key card embedded inside of a glass ball and must use a giant stone slab to crush it and free the card. The slab rises to the ceiling on a chain and then falls, and just before it falls you must run underneath it and place the ball down down. However, if you aren't quick enough it's another instant death. Thankfully, I have never actually died here, but it's a nerve wracking moment since you are very close to the end at that point and one slip up could cost you the whole game.

And lastly, the part I remember the most is immediately after you regain control of Chris once Claire's brief section is finished and you have a boss fight with the transformed Alexia Ashford monster. It's not too terribly difficult, as it only requires five magnum shots to take her down. However, there's a bit of a hitch- if she gets too close to you, she can instantly kill you. Okay, so just stay far away from her, right? Well...if you're prepared, that's not too hard to do. However, there's a huge requirement before you can do that- you have to remember to equip the magnum as soon as the fight starts. See, before Claire's brief segment begins you must equip the knife as Chris in order to cut Claire out of this green snot-like stuff she's stuck to the wall with. However, when you regain control of Chris, you'll still be equipped with the knife. During one of my better runs, I was anxious to take Alexia down and completely forgot about it. I pressed the ready weapon button and mashed the fire button as soon as the fight began...only to take a slash at Alexia with the knife, who's standing right in front of you when it begins. Before I could scramble to recover from my mistake, it was too late- she was upon me and my entire run was ruined. This fight is only about 10 minutes away from the end of the game, so to come that close and fail was devastating.

You have to equip the knife in order to cut Claire out of this green snot-like shit. However…

 …you’d better be prepared to unequip it as soon as you regain control of Chris and the fight starts, otherwise your whole run might be done for.

I wanted to give up after that debacle, but after a week or so I knew I had to try one last time. I made a note on my puzzle guide that read: REMEMBER: EQUIP THE MAGNUM! and set out to do one more run. This time I was fully ready. I blazed through every part- Claire's first half, her second half, and by the time I reached the midway point at Chris' start I was totally pumped. Unfortunately I had gotten poisoned during the Nosferatu fight whereas I hadn't in the previous run, but it was no matter- I couldn't turn back now. I once again reached the fight with Alexia and this time I was ready- I pulled out my magnum and blasted away, taking her down without a hitch. I was totally stoked now- only one last boss fight stood between me and rocket launcher glory. But the final fight is anything but easy.

After taking down Alexia in the first fight, you do a little bit of running around before facing off with her once again, this time in two different forms- one in which she is a massive blob swinging tentacles around and spitting out annoying little smaller blobs that attack you, and a second in which she basically turns into a giant dragonfly and spits fire at you. I had a tendency to way overprepare for this fight- I would bring along the AK-47 with a 50% clip reload, the fully loaded submachine guns and the magnum, as well whatever extra healing items I could carry in my inventory. Really, all you need is the submachine guns. Even though the AK-47 is more powerful, the dual submachine guns are ideal because Chris points them in two different directions which allows you to have one shooting at Alexia and the other dealing with the little blobs she unleashes on you.

I had originally stuck with using the magnum since it's the most powerful out of all of them, but this time I tried the submachine gun strategy and found that it worked to my favor. Once her first form is dealt with and she turns into a killer mosquito, Alexia starts rapidly flying around above you and shooting fire at you every now and then. In order to kill her, you need to grab the ridiculous-sounding "linear launcher" (seriously, that sounds like a gun I would've made up in 6th grade) and take aim above you, timing it just right that the blast nails her in mid-air, and then you've done it. I grabbed the launcher and took aim, my heart pounding like crazy. I fired the shot, and....I missed. Again and again. To make matters worse, there's a countdown going down above you, and at that point there should only be about 2 and a half minutes left on it, so my anxiety was sky high. Thankfully, the launcher has infinite ammo- it's just annoying because it's pretty easy to lose track of Alexia as she buzzes around, especially though the view in the scope where it's hard to see where you're looking as it is. Also, as I mentioned before the first-person scope controls are kind of weird compared to the rest of the game, so you have to grapple with using the controls for a bit before you get the hang of it, and by then Alexia will most likely be spitting another volley of fireballs at you. She flies around so quickly that you need to anticipate where she's going to be, only firing when you're sure she'll fly straight into the blast. I tried again and again, getting more frustrated. Only one shot stood between me and the end. I'd done it before, I could do it again dammit!

The linear launcher controls just like the sniper rifle. This fight is even worse than the Nosferatu fight though because Alexia is buzzing around you like a pissed off bumble bee and spitting crap on you.

But finally, after what seemed like an agonizingly long period of time I fired the winning shot, hitting Alexia and ending the game. I felt great as the last ending cutscene played out, but I still stood in anxiousness. Despite my checklist, I still worried that I had missed something along the way, that I didn't satisfy one of the requirements, that my timer was off and I had gone over the 4 and a half hours, that I had done something wrong and my efforts would be in vain. I waited until the end credits, ready to see my ranking, and...

...there it was. The glorious A ranking. I'd done it. The rocket launcher was mine. I gleefully celebrated, but once again I restrained myself cautiously. How did I know for sure that it worked? The only way to find out was to start a new game and check. I did just that, skipping over all of the opening credits rapidly and  jumping right into a new game. I opened my inventory box-

-and there it was, the infinite rocket launcher, guaranteed to destroy anything in one shot. I immediately equipped it and ran out into the area where you first encounter zombies, in which you'd normally be armed with a measly knife. I rejoiced as I blew away every zombie that came near me, laughing as their burnt corpses hit the ground. And then I played through the whole game again. Not in one single go, but doing everything I hadn't been allowed to do in the main run. Saving every chance I got. Using aid sprays. Taking my sweet ass time. Wasting away every special weapon on the smallest of enemies. Defeating every boss with ease by using the rocket launcher. And it was a wonderful feeling. Thanks for reading.

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