Monday, October 10, 2016

Collection Additions Volume 5: A rarity and

Hello dear readers and welcome back to the game room. I go through some lulls in my collecting adventures, so this update is a tad light- however, I did get one very cool addition and another that was more or so just for the completionist in me, so let's check it out.

So that's Doom for the Sega 32X and Mega Man 5 for the NES. Doom was a game I've already owned for the 32X (as well as nearly every other console I own, it seems), but I didn't have the box for it. If you didn't already know from any of my other posts, I have a complete Sega 32X North American library- yup, all 36 of those pretty bad (and a sparingly few good) games for a weird console add-on that should've never existed. Anyway, I've been trying to obtain all 36 games CIB- I'm almost there, and the only games I don't have boxes for were Doom and Star Wars: The Arcade Game, which ironically enough are two of the most common games out of the whole library. Even then I won't be entirely finished yet because I want to get better condition copies of certain games (some of them are beat to shit), but having a box for everything will feel pretty good. Especially since the price of 32X games (and all games in general, pretty much) has been steadily increasing over the years. Thankfully my copies of the rarest ones (i.e. Spiderman: Web Of Fire, World Series Baseball) are in very good condition.

Anyway, there's not much to say about the actual game itself other's Doom. The graphics are pretty good for the time, but the sound quality is terrible compared to the SNES port. The SNES port has inferior graphics I guess it's just a matter of preference between graphics and sound. These days, it's kinda obsolete though since you can play a high quality version of the original Doom just about anywhere. But I digress.

As for Mega Man 5, it filled another completionist void I've been yearning to meet by finally obtaining all 6 original games in the Mega Man series for the NES. For the longest time I was missing 5 because it's (sort of inexplicably) the rarest of the bunch. I'm not sure if it's because it's marginally better than the other Mega Man games, but regardless it's currently the rarest NES I game I own thus far by quite a bit. Is it really that different of a game from the others though? I'm a tad skeptical on that. Of course I haven't had a chance to play it at length yet, but from what I have seen, it doesn't look a whole lot more original than the others. It could just be that I've always been a much bigger fan of the Mega Man X series than the original, but the first 6 just seem to blend together in my mind. Anywho, I'll just have to play it more find out for myself.

That's all for today, thanks for reading.

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