Sunday, September 18, 2016

Collection Additions Volume 3: Extensions Galore

Hello dear readers and welcome back to the game room. I apologize for the long leave of absence but after a much-needed vacation (and some recovery time afterward) I'm back to talk about games and and my never-ending and improbable quest to have the greatest video game collection ever. Now that I have a lot more free time I'm hoping to do more reviews of random games, plus updates every week on any game-related stuff I've bought. Anyway, let's jump into it today, shall we?

So yesterday I nabbed a pair of N64 games, plus some controller extension cords- one for the Super Nintendo and two for the NES. I know a lot of people are into wireless controllers these days, but personally I don't want to bother with that. Changing batteries, constantly charging them- I'd much rather be plugged right into the system without having to worry about any of that. So what's a gamer to do when you want to have a comfy spot on a couch without living in fear that you'll accidentally yank your console right out of the TV in the heat of the moment?

Thankfully, a ton of third party companies have emerged to save us from just that. I already have extenders for pretty much every console I have, including four for my N64 so I don't have to worry about three other people doing the aforementioned console yanking. I didn't have any for the NES though, mainly because the NES controller wire is pretty lengthy as it is. However, after some recent console rearranging I decided it would be a lot easier for me to just buy a few extensions and have the peace of mind that I wouldn't accidentally destroy my toploader NES one day. As for the SNES extender, I already had one so I figured I may as well grab one more, lest I ever have any two-player SNES sessions.

Now for the games- Doom 64 and Perfect Dark. Firstly, I should say that I absolutely love the Doom franchise. Doom is just one of my go-to games that I can always play whenever I want and still have fun with it, regardless of how many times I've beaten it in my life (which is probably in the thousands at this point). However, I must confess that I've never actually played Doom 64. I've known about it, but for whatever reason it always just flew under the radar to me. However, I've been determined to rectify that and now that I own it, I'm hoping to give it a playthrough soon. Might even be good for a review, wink wink.

As for Perfect Dark, I never owned it myself but I have played the multiplayer back in the day with friends. From what I gather, it's pretty similar to another classic first-person shooter Rareware game of the era, that being Goldeneye 007. That's good enough for me to give it a shot.

So that's all for now, but stayed tuned for more stuff coming real soon. Thanks for reading and as always, game on.

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