Sunday, August 7, 2016

Collection Additions: Volume 2

Hello dear readers and welcome back to the game room. So today I paid a visit to a local flea market that runs every Sunday during the summer. In all honesty I've never been to a big flea market before, so it was interesting to see the wealth of video game stuff that was available to be picked through. It was nothing spectacular and a lot of it was overpriced, probably due to the ever increasing cost of video games as time goes on, but nonetheless I did find two games that made the trip worth it for me, so let's check it out.

Wading through pile after pile of sports games and broken Xbox 360s, I found these two great Super Nintendo games. Both of them are pretty common games, but nonetheless they are very fun to play and I got them both for cheaper than eBay value. I've never played Final Fight before, but I'm a big fan of those 90's beat 'em up games like Streets Of Rage and Double Dragon. Plus, it's Capcom, how can you go wrong?

As for Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, I do own it's predecessor Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, so I pretty much know what to expect in terms of gameplay. Both carts were fairly dirty, but the labels are nice and intact and the rest of it is nothing a little cleaning won't take care of. Star Wars booted up on the second try, but Final Fight took a little work to get going. The contact points were filthy so it took a few good scrubbings with isopropyl alcohol, but after some determination I got it up and running. I didn't play it for very long but it's very fun, just as satisfying as most games of the beat 'em up genre are. I imagine it would be a great game to play through with a second player.

So that's it for this week, a bit of a quickie but I don't have much to talk about right now because I'm going on a vacation in a few weeks so I need to take some time off from buying games. But in two weeks or so I should be right back in action, so stay tuned until then and as always, game on.